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Friday, April 26, 2013

Girl On A Vespa (sketch)

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I'll go out on a limb saying that about 80% of my art is re-imagined fanart of existing characters...which is cool I guess.  And since leaving AwesomeCon, I've been looking up other conventions (smaller ones...hey, you gotta crawl before you walk), and I stumbled across an anime convention that is pretty local that I'm going to go to.  But one of the requirements for being an artist in the artist's alley was that only 50% of the work that you display can be fanart, and the other has to be original.  If I was still working on my webcomic, I wouldn't have an issue with that, because that is what I would show, but currently I'm not.  And just about all of my recent stuff has been fanart.

So, I have to diversity.

And I have no problems with that at all.  I like drawing other random things that have nothing to do with comics or cartoons at all.

black woman female african american sketch vespa

I hope that this turns out awesome when I finally get around to coloring/inking this so it can be a great print.

As far as my webcomic goes, I still love everything about Redux Deluxe, and I'm still going to do it, just in a completely different format with a slightly reworked story.  I mean, not everything I do has to be pinups and prints, right?

Without Wax,


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Atlantis & AwesomeCon DC

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I seriously wish I had taken some photos of my trip to AwesomeCon this past weekend.  I mainly went there to get a feel for how conventions are and to see if I myself could possibly attend one as an artist...and I left feeling very positive about it.  I finally got an opportunity to put some real faces to the names I see online all of the time.  I learned a lot from my brief correspondences and talks with Penelope Gaylord (who is equally nice in person) and Chris Flick of the webcomic Capes and Babes.  It was an awesome experience, and I can't wait to attend the convention next year...but this time as an artist in the Artist's Alley.  The whole experience...just gave me a renewed focus as to what I need and should be doing.

Coming back from that, I couldn't wait to finish this Kida from Disney's Atlantis and start on the next thing.

Disney fanart Kida Atlantis black african american

And as always, if you're interested in purchasing this print or others of mine, you can do so right here.

I'm excited for the rest of this year's Con season, and I'm looking forward to some that I can attend this year as an actual artist!

Without Wax,


Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Forgotten Disney Princess

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Atlantis: The Lost Empire never gets mentioned at all when the discussion of Disney animated movies come up.  Maybe it was because it was one of the few, if not only, Disney animated movies that was rated PG instead of G.  Looking at it today, I don't see how it was rated PG (especially since the movie ratings system is so lax today).  Maybe it was because of the term mercenary thrown around quite often towards the end, and maybe the one or two guns in the movie.  Anyways, I love the movie because of its visuals and its depiction of you know what that means...impending fanart.

Disney Atlantis Kida black african american animated movie sketch

That background in there is more of a placeholder than anything.  I'll definitely be reworking that as well as other little things in the picture.  Hopefully I'll be having in progress shots soon as well as the final drawing...that is if I don't muck it up along the way.  

But while you're here, why don't you fancy yourself a print or two or like me on Facebook or follow me on Tumblr.

Without Wax,


Friday, April 12, 2013


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This took a little longer than I had anticipated to finish, but I'm happy with the final result.  I intended to do more to it, but I decided to keep it relatively simple and didn't want to overcomplicate the background, which would detract from Storm.  And as previously told to me, yes, I'm aware that the Sentinel in the background bears more than a striking resemblance to Megatron...that definitely wasn't intentional.  But I'm sure everyone familiar with X-Men lore and what not will know what that's actually supposed to be.

super heroes black heroes african Storm Ororoe Munroe X-Men xmen X-force Xforce Marvel comics fanart

Its also been brought to my attention that sometimes purchasing my prints through Serve can be a somewhat convoluted process.  So I'm now offering the option to purchase my prints as well using Paypal.  That should be easier for most, as well as more familiar.  And what better way to test out to see if everything works than to purchase this very here print!  

Have a great weekend!

Without wax,


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I Feel a Storm Comin' On...

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A Storm drawing has been long overdue.  In all actuality though, I've had several Storm sketches, and none of them I liked at they all have been subsequently scratched.  But this one I like, so I may finish this one. I took some liberties with her costume that I may or may not change when I finally ink and color this.  And you can never go wrong with drawing any of the X-Men against Sentinels.

Progress shots coming soon.

X-Men Storm Sentinels X-Force African american black super heroes

Without Wax,


Friday, April 5, 2013

Shera: Princess of Power

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I finally finished this drawing after the initial sketch was sitting in purgatory for a little while.  Honestly, I never thought that I would go further with the sketch, but I'm glad that I did.  As much as they were considered to be "girl's shows", I was an avid watcher of both Shera and Jem & The Holograms.  Judge me.  Speaking of, I may just do a Jem drawing somewhere down the line.  

But onto this drawing: its obviously Shera with her mighty steed Swift Wind in front of Castle Greyskull.  And like I've mentioned on other sites, technically Swift Wind is a pegasus, but for me to be able to show the most of Shera that I could, I had to omit his wings.  But unicorns are still magical too on their own, so its sort of like a win win.

And as always, if you like this image and would like to purchase a print, feel free to head on over to my prints page, located at the top of this blog.

Shera Swiftwin african american black superheroes heroes heroine

Without Wax,
