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Thursday, December 18, 2008

1up to the Next Level...

So...I've been busy coming up with new sketches and doing research and yada yada...and somewhere in there I found time to learn how to use this open source painting program. The more I use it, the better I get...which makes that picture in my last post and my avatar look so...I dunno....juvenile in comparison. I've been trying to learn different techniques and getting better at it, as well as drawing so that its conducive to being edited digitally.

So, this first picture is a picture that I was drawing for someone really special. At first, I was going to just draw it and leave it in just black and white in pen, but then I thought "I could do so much more with it...and really take my time with it and make it a million times better...", so thats what I'm doing. I thought about not posting it....but instead, I'm not going to post the final version which has ALOT more going on.

So, here's the initial ink that I was going to give her:

And here's the digitally colored version:

Much better right??

This next one was a sketch done with a Bic ball point pen that I did and was going to leave it at just a sketch...but then decided that I could make it look better than a sketch with color. I kind of like the sketch too because of the simplicity of it.
And here's the colored version:

And finally, here's another picture that I'm working on. I call him Mr. O'Lantern...or Jack on a first name basis. I just drew it to draw something that I normally don't draw, and as an excuse to test out new techniques and stuff. Its closer to final than the version I've posted, but I just want to post the whole thing when its 100% done:

Or if you're really impatient, you can get a preview in my blog banner. ^^^ I guess I can post the steps for that one, cause even though it looks rather simple, alot of thought went into it.



Beautifully.Conjured.Up said...

You're very talented.

old man neill said...

Very cool. :)

A said...

these look really good, now I know what you mean about having those programs ;)

Teems said...

MUCH better! I love color. But I still appreciate a B&W in its purity.

Bloggal said...


even thought color does liven up all the sketches, i personally like the first one in black and white more. it looks really delicate and beatiful. definitely my fave.

dejanae said...

good stuff man
can i get some lessons?

Charles (Illumistrations) said...

@ Beautifully Conjured Up: Thanks!! Sometimes it gets very hard to the point where I want to quit though...

@ Old Man Neil: Welcome to the blog!! Thanks, much appreciated...

@ Tuotierugif..: see the difference?? And the program I use is a free program, I can only imagine what you can do with photoshop. One of these days, I'm gonna have to ask you what your name means...

@ Teems: Thanks...I knew you would like the color. And I agree...sometimes b&w is better...

# Bloggal: Thanks...I'm glad you like that one. I kinda think so too, but I did so much more to it than what you see in that picture. I would post it, but it would lose its appeal and specialness if I did.

@ Dej: prob...I need some lessons my damn self though...

Anonymous said...

Can I get one smidgen of your talent. Love the color in the pics.

Glad to see you're branching out.

Black and white is always classic but it's cool to see what you can do with the rainbow.

Keep it up!!

Anonymous said...

Tuotierugif=figure it out