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Monday, December 23, 2013

Objects in Mirror...

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I have this really bad habit of doing a lot of sketches but never coming back to them.  I mean, here we are, 7 days away from 2014, and I still have sketches from the summer that I told myself that I would turn into full illustrations.  How crazy is that?

This was also one of those that was going to forever sit in sketch purgatory.

I drew this a while ago, and it just sat there while I sketched other things.  I liked it a lot, but I just never finished it.  I saw it not too long ago, and decided to open it back up, make some alterations here and there, and add colors and inks to it.  I normally draw comic related figures or cartoons and stuff, so it was great to take a break out of the norm and draw something a little different for a change.  Plus with just about every illustration that I do, I always learn something new.

art illustration illumistrations mirror agels demons heaven hell black woman african american black art

And if you would like to purchase this illustration as an 11" x 17" print on high quality gloss cover paper, feel free to check out my Storenvy site  And be sure to use the discount code DECOPEN for an additional 15% off of your total purchase.

Without Wax,


Monday, December 16, 2013

Illumistrations on Storenvy!

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So by now, everyone should know that I've started selling prints since the beginning of the year.  I've actually been selling them longer than that, but at the beginning of 2013, I decided to take on all aspects of making and shipping the prints out myself.  I've used different services along the way, such as Redbubble, Serve, Zazzle, Square Market and a host of other services all with different results.  With all of those services, there were things about them that I liked, but I never fully 100% loved them all, and I thought that I would just have to settle for a 'lesser of all evils'.

That is, until I found out about Storenvy.

It was everything that I was looking for: a place to showcase my prints, offer coupon codes, user friendly, and a great service backend.  And with that, I have created my own personal store on Storenvy.

Feel free to check it out, and browse all of the prints that I've been making for like a year or so now.  And purchase some for either yourself or friends!  And to celebrate my new store opening, if you use the discount code DECOPEN from now until January 1, 2014, you get 15% off of your total purchase!  All of my prints are of the 11" x 17" aspect ratio printed on high quality gloss cover paper with bright and vivid colors.  The print quality I've found from the print service I use is nothing short of excellent.  They truly do justice to my artwork, and there's just something about seeing an illustration you've worked countless hours on finally printed out in high quality.

So be sure to check out my Storenvy page, and buy a print or two!

Without Wax,


Friday, December 13, 2013

Jinkies! Velma Dinkley and Scooby Doo

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About 2 and a half years ago, I created a re-imagined African American version of the Scooby Doo Detective Agency.  And anyone who knows me should know that Velma was by far my favorite character from the show.  Looking back at it recently, I thought to myself that the concept needed a complete redraw...especially how looking back at my old art just makes me want to throw all of my old sketches and illustrations out of the window.

So, I decided to change the character direction with Velma to get it more in line with the actual show (especially the colors) and change the look of Scooby slightly.
Jinkies Velma Dinkley Scooby Doo Detective Agency Black Rottweiler African American Illumistrations drawing art illustration

I also wanted to do a background for this image as well, but I didn't want it to detract from the focus of Velma and Scooby, so I kept it rather simple.

Jinkies Velma Dinkley Scooby Doo Detective Agency Black Rottweiler African American Illumistrations drawing art illustration

You can also purchase this image as an 11" x 17" print on high quality gloss cover paper from my new online store at Storenvy.  This will probably get a separate post, but for right now, all of my prints are for sale there (  From now until the end of the 2013 calendar year, you can use the discount code DECOPEN to get 15% off of your total purchase!  Just in time for the holidays.

Without Wax,


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Neo Sailor Moon

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Fighting evil by a futuristic techno Neo-Tokyo moonlight.  Winning love by daylight.

She's the one called Sailor Moon.

Not too long ago I drew a Neo Sailor Venus, and I thought that it would only be right if I drew an accompanying Neo Sailor Venus.  I probably should just stop being lazy and draw a full image with all of the Neo Sailor Scouts...which I will...eventually.

Below is the initial sketch that I came up with.  I was going to draw in Luna as well, seeing as how I drew in Artemis for the Sailor Venus one, but she didn't make it in.

anime artwork illustration sketch sketches illumistrations sailor moon neo sailor moon neo tokyo black sailor scout african american woman superhero

And below is the final illustration:

anime artwork illustration sketch sketches illumistrations sailor moon neo sailor moon neo tokyo black sailor scout african american woman superhero

And as always, if you would like to purchase this as an awesome 11" x 17" print, I shall direct you to my print purchase page!

Without Wax,

Sunday, December 1, 2013


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Are you on Instagram??  Well, guess too!  You should follow me on there because I normally post in progress shots that I don't post anywhere else (that's including Facebook, Tumblr and Google+...) and other random really random.  So, follow me, say hi, and enjoy my scribbles!!

Without Wax,
