2010 has definitely been a trying year.
But on the bright side, the art keeps on coming, and it only gets better. This was picture was initially done as a gift, but I got sidetracked...and it never surfaced. I did this somewhere around early May, and its just been sitting on my hard drive not seeing the light of day. And now that I'm leaving all of the negativity (hopefully) in the past, I can post this too and get this out there.
Anyways, I think artistically, I've grown since the end of 2009. My webcomic was struggling (still is, but its not a 'webcomic' anymore) and the art was kinda blah on it. Plus, I was down alot about my art, and how it wasn't where I wanted it to be. Well, it still isn't, but its been growing by leaps and bounds. I think this past year has been the biggest growth for me, artistic wise, even with that extended break in the middle of the year. And I really can't wait to see what happens in 2011...and I'll be forcing myself to make big things happen in this new upcoming year.
So long 2010...can't say that I'm sad to see you go.
Without Wax,
Dude your work is dope! Keep doing what you do. Its super inspiring.
Thanks Tystarr!! I really appreciate that man, it definitely means alot, you have no idea.
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