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Monday, April 6, 2009

Spidey Circa '98

If you are a new reader to my blog, I should let you know that I've always loved drawing. I've been drawing since like 1st grade, probably even before that, but thats when I remember actually picking up a pencil and deciding on drawing certain things. Around middle school is when I really got into it, and around the end of middle school to the beginning of high school, I thought to myself that this is what I want to do for a living. Well, when you're that age, everyone's telling you that you should be a doctor or a lawyer...and for me I was great at 3 things: art, science and math. And people keep telling me that art isn't profitable, and that if I wanted to do both math and science, I should become an engineer...and thats what I went to school for and got my degree in.

So I put art away...I put it away for almost 5 years...and then I picked it up again around 2005. Parts of me wish I had went to art school, cause I really don't know any other artists, and I would love to be in an art community where other people are pushing each other to be better. And I wish I was more serious about art then as I am now, because there's no telling where it could've taken me if I stuck with it. Anyways...

I was cleaning up today and ran across an old 11x17 sketchbook. I thought I lost it when I left for college and I'm glad I didn't. It is however all battered up and wrinkled and stuff. Back then, it was all about adding ridiculous amount of detail, even when I should've been working on anatomy and dynamic poses and stuff. Ah well, its fun to reminisce. Here's a picture of Spiderman and Carnage of Marvel fame...from when I was around 14 years old. Looking at this makes me so mad at myself that I didn't pursue art like I did. Always go after your passions, and never settle for anything less.

The pic is broken up into two pieces because my scanner can't scan pics that large. And to see the detail that I wanted to depict, I had to scan them at 300 dpi, so the file sizes for each eclipse a meg. You should've seen the sizes before I compressed them. Inked with a .35 mm pen, and colored with my personal fave...Crayola color pencils.


A said...

I'm glad you started drawing again because your really talented

eclectik said...

The work on the webbing is dope and that's a hot background....attention to detail does not go unnoticed.

Ieisha said...

You did that at 14? I'm mad you majored in Engineering. Please keep up the sketching. You need to embrace all that and keep it flowing. You got mad talent.

"You make me wanna burn my notebook."

Charles (Illumistrations) said...

@ Tuotierugif: Thanks. I'm glad I started back too...maybe I can get even better

@ E: Thanks man. I wish I hadn't stopped though, cause I'd probably be a beast now tho

@ Ieisha: Yeah...I had to post an oldie. Believe I have more though. The more I think about it, the more I'm mad at myself for going to school for engineering too.

KayC, The Quiet Storm said...

Funny how family and friends try to help during our childhood when they are actually hindering our creative development. We have similar stories in that respect but you can't live in the should've, would've, could've.

You are very talented and it is never too late to start (or re-start) something you love. The greats are great because they loved doing their thing. When you love what you do others will love it as well. Don't look back, continue to look forward.