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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Happy Holidays

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Thought I'd do a little illo to keep in the holiday spirit...

african american holiday winter seasons greetings african american woman female drawing illustration artwork

Have a safe and happy holiday!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Samus Aran, The Bounty Hunter

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Finally!!  I put this one off far too long.  I actually wanted to do much more with the background and experiment with it a little bit, but my laptop was having no parts of that.  I can't get more ram soon enough, sheesh.

samus aran metroid african american black nintendo zero suit
Also, if you aren't following me yet on Tumblr, I'm currently doing a giveaway to two lucky winners: the grand prize winner will get 10 FREE prints from me of the best illustrations I've done all year, while second place will win 5.  Not too shabby.  You can enter by either reblogging my contest post, or liking my Illumistrations page on Facebook.  I mean, seriously though, this is stuff you should've done already, now there's just an incentive to do so.  Ha!

On to the next one...

Without Wax,


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Samus Aran, The Bounty Hunter (work in progress)

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I sketched and inked this drawing a while ago, and amidst coloring it, I stopped working on it.  I think it was because I knew that it would involve a lot as far as time and computer resources (as in RAM) and it turns out, I was 100% correct.  I desperately need a ram upgrade in my computer, like seriously.  Not today, but as in yesterday.  Anyways, here's the work in progress of my favorite Nintendo bounty hunter, Samus Aran of Metroid.  I sometimes like to work without color for a bit to make sure that the shadows and values are right before going on.  Sometimes the actual colors trick my eyes and by the time I see it, its too late.  I'll make sure to document this when I make an actual coloring tutorial that apparently is grossly overdue.

african american black samus aran nintendo metroid

Without Wax,

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Girl's Night Out

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I probably should've posted the sketch of this before I finished it, but I just took the opportunity to breeze through this one, especially considering that the Black Canary illustration that I previously did took much longer than expected.  So, here it is, Batgirl and the Girl Wonder (Robin from The Dark Knight Returns).  I didn't know much about The Dark Knight Returns other than Frank Miller's involvement, until I saw the animated film...and just wow.  I swear, DC's animated films are heads and shoulders above the rest.   Anyways, onto the images!!

African american black batgirl girl wonder robin

And since I didn't post it previously, here's the sketch of the above image:
african american black batgirl girl wonder robin sketch

I'll be printing this illustration up for sale and distribution very soon, so be sure to keep an eye out on here or my Tumblr for more information!

Without Wax,


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Black Canary

Finally finished!  I just noticed now that I didn't post the updated sketch which shows the change in perspective.  Its a good thing that I sketched a new background too, because the last one was lazy and completely wrong on all levels.  I used to sketch something out, and ink and color it right away, but I found that sleeping on it and coming to it later with fresh eyes helps me greatly reduce errors and fix things that I didn't see wrong before. 

african american black black canary

Also, I'm still working on the details of my online store.  In the past, I would just use a print on demand service for prints, but that means that I never really got an opportunity to see the quality of the prints, and I would get paid in pennies.  So, I'm going to be doing all of the printing and shipping myself, which should help out things a lot.  Of course, my blog will be polluted with ads about it when its done, so everyone will definitely know.  

As always, gotta keep that pencil busy!!

Without Wax,
