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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lookout!! Here Comes the Spiderman

1 comment:
Spiderman! Spiderman!
Does whatever a spider can.
Spins a web, any size
Catches thieves just like flies
Look Out!!
Here comes the Spiderman!!

Ahh...I love that song. Anyways, this was supposed to be a sketch of Spiderman, but I got so involved with it that it almost turned out to be a full illustration...almost. Some quick colors thrown down in Photoshop.

Without Wax,

Friday, March 26, 2010

Webcomics 'n Thangs

1 comment:
For those that don't know, I'm the artist and writer for a webcomic titled Redux Deluxe (yeah, thats right, I'm plugging it again, and will continue to do so...). Its about this young boy named CJ who has to cope with a new neighborhood and making friends in a strange new place after his parents are forced to relocate due to job opportunities. The main reason why I decided to go forward with my comic was that there were so few comic strips out there that had minority characters as the main roles without making us look ignorant or conforming to stereotypes (I'm not just talking about african americans, but all races). So, one of the main things that I wanted to do with my comic is have ALOT of main characters that are of a different race interacting with one another without the ignorance, stereotypes or underlying tones at all. Thats my goal, and one of the main things that I sought out to accomplish. Unfortunately, not everyone has shared such a goal with me, for whatever reasons. I've been denied to join countless comic groups and collectives because "Redux Deluxe" isn't what they're focused on right now. My comic was also denied entry into my university's school paper, even though there are several other comics full of potty humor and art direction that isn't as concise as mine. I don't know why that is, but what I do know is that I'm striving for success...because success is the best revenge. I don't want to say 'revenge' per se, but more like this was/is a great idea that no one should pass up.

So, if you're reading, please, please PLEASE head over to my page here and cast your vote to show everyone that this is a great idea and comic.

But on to better news...

My webcomic HAS been accepted at this up and coming collective called Samsara Comics. Its headed by another artist from a forum that I frequent and he also publishes his webcomic there. Thats great stuff, because it gives me the opportunity to network with other up and coming artists, and share knowledge with them! I'm beyond excited to join Samsara Comics, and I'll keep people posted here as things transition there.

I tried making a new header for my comic recently, but the cropping is all sorts of wrong, so I just decided to make it into a full illustration. I'm definitely going to go back and change this one though and put the focus more on his face than his hand in the foreground. I might make this into a downloadable wallpaper or something...I don't know just as of yet. But it will definitely find its way into the book.

Redux Deluxe updates EVERY Thursday and sometimes on Tuesday. And if you haven't been following, here's a page that you've missed:

Don't forget, check out Redux Deluxe every Thursday!!

Without Wax,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Lil Somethin' Different Than the Norm

I normally don't do drawings like these, but maybe I should. It feels good and refreshing to draw something out of my element that I don't normally do. This was done entirely with a sharpie marker, and I damn near got high off of the fumes the marker was making. I drew this to use as my background for my Tumblr page, but it looked too busy, so unfortunately, I had to downsize it and make it the header instead. Its way too small on there to see the detail, so I thought that I would post it here, as well as another version that I just threw together really quickly. I should go back to the other version and change the black outlines to a brownish tint...I think that would make it more visually appealing. So, here's the version that went on the tumblr page:

Here's the reworked version:

And this is another one of my pen sketches that I've done recently. Its of Wonder Woman of DC comics fame. I can honestly say that I've never drawn her before, and I should do it more often.

Also, don't forget!! Redux Deluxe updates every Thursday!! Check it out!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ballpoint Madness!!

1 comment:
With me doing my webcomic more often than doing anything else, I kinda hoped that my other art wouldn't suffer since I wouldn't be concentrating on it as much. But that doesn't mean that I still can't sketch and keep that pencil pen busy. So with that said, here are a couple of sketches that I've recently done in the past couple of days. And as always, clicking on the pictures will allow you to see them in higher resolution.

Dr. Doom:

Boba Fett:


Green Lantern:

In other 'webcomic' news, I was informed earlier this week that my comic Redux Deluxe has yet again been rejected to join another webcomic community/collection/network/whatever else. The reason I got this time was that "Redux Deluxe is not currently what we are looking for in a webcomic". I'm not going to be judgmental about other comics that apparently they are interested in, so I'll leave it at that. All I can say is that this is only making me strive to make Redux Deluxe even better than what I originally conceived. But it means absolutely NOTHING if no one reads it. So please, take a second to drop by my little webcomic, add it to your RSS feeds or subscribe to it, and vote for it so that others can see what everyone else has been passing up on. Thanks for the support!!

Without Wax,

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Page Preview

2 comments: feels good not having to worry about monthly drawoffs anymore. I mostly used it as inspiration to stay on top of my art and not be so lazy and see things through. Now, with all of that behind me, I don't need that anymore. And recently, its been getting in the way of the development of my webcomic, Redux Deluxe. And since I've let the drawoffs go, I'm able to devote my time more to it and getting the art for my comic to the point where I feel like it needs to be.

So for the umpteenth time, the premise of my comic is this young boy named CJ who has to move to a new neighborhood because his parents both got new jobs. And he's just coping with the changes and trying to make new friends and fit in and such. This is an early preview of the page thats going up this Thursday. The comic updates every Thursday (hopefully) and I hope everyone takes the time out to check it out, add it to their RSS readers and continue to follow it!

Thanks for the support!!

Without Wax,